Tips on Crafting the Perfect Post-Interview Thank You Email for a Remote Role

A post-interview thank you email is a great opportunity to express your gratitude and enthusiasm for the interview. It also allows you to reinforce your interest in the position and leave a positive lasting impression. Here are tips for crafting the perfect one:

Tip 1: Gather Intel During Your Interview

Gathering intel during an interview for a remote role is essential to crafting a post-interview thank-you email that stands out. Gathering Intel gives you the chance to get a better understanding of the team, company, and role you are interviewing for. This includes asking questions such as “What is the team structure or organizational structure?”, “How does the company reward and recognize its employees for their contributions?” and “What would success look like in this role?”
By gathering this information during the interview, you can craft a more meaningful thank you email that is tailored to the specifics of the job and the company. Additionally, by doing so, you can demonstrate to the hiring manager that you were paying attention and that you are interested in the role. A more tailored email will show that you have the necessary skills and qualities to excel in the position, and you will be more likely to stand out from the competition.

Tips on Crafting the Perfect Post Interview Thank You Email for a Remote Role3

Tip 2: Create the Perfect Subject Line
The subject line of a post-interview thank you email is the first thing a recruiter or employer will see, so it is important you make sure it is professional, memorable, and captures the message of the email.
The structure of the subject line should include three key elements:
1. Thank You: This is the most important part of the subject line and should be included to show appreciation for the interviewer’s time and effort in considering you as a candidate.
2. Position Name: Including the position name in the subject line helps to show that the email is related to the job interview and will make it easier for the recruiter to identify the email.
3. Your Name: Including your name in the subject line helps to personalize the email and give the recruiter a reminder of who you are.

The email Subject Line structure: Thank You — [Job Title], [Name]

Tip 3: Use this 5-Point Checklist

  • Proper Greeting: Begin the email with a professional and polite greeting. Address the hiring manager by their name, such as “Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]” or “Hello [First Name]”.
  • Gratitude: Show appreciation for the opportunity to interview for the position. Thank the hiring manager for considering you for the role. Express your gratitude for their valuable insights and the chance to discuss the role in more detail.
  • Enthusiasm: Reiterate your enthusiasm for the position and the company. Emphasize your excitement about the opportunity to contribute to the team and mention specific aspects of the role or the organization that resonated with you during the interview. This demonstrates your genuine interest and passion.
  • Call-to-Action: This is an optional but effective element to include in your email. If there was anything discussed during the interview that you would like to follow up on, such as sending additional documents or answering any additional questions they may have, mention it here. Provide a clear next step or action item that shows your proactive approach.
  • More Gratitude: End the email with a final expression of gratitude. Thank the hiring manager again for their time, consideration, and the opportunity to interview. Convey your willingness to provide any additional information they may need and reinforce your interest in the position.

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Tip 4: Give Your Email a Few Reads

Proofreading your Post-Interview Thank You Email before sending it is essential as it can make or break your chances of getting a job offer. A poorly written, unprofessional thank you email may indicate to the hiring manager that you lack attention to detail and are not a serious job candidate. Moreover, a “Thank You” email with grammatical errors may also make a poor impression on the hiring manager.
On the other hand, a well-written, professional thank you email that has been proofread indicates that you take job applications seriously and are a detail-oriented candidate. It also leaves a positive impression on the hiring manager, as it shows that you can communicate effectively and efficiently.

Tip 5: Send Your Email Within This Timeframe

The timeframe for sending a post-interview thank you email to the hiring manager should be within 24 hours of the interview. This will give the hiring manager enough time to catch a breath and consider all facts. It also ensures the hiring manager can remember your name and the conversation you had.