Questions You Might Ask About Remote Work Portfolios

The digital age has brought a lot of changes in how the modern world works including how people look for work. Did you know over 70 percent of consumers in North America look for products and services online? These changes dictate that every professional across the world needs to have an online job portfolio to keep them afloat in the competitive job market and for the ultimate career development.

This calls for double the effort for workers who work remotely or online. And what exactly does an online job portfolio do? Portfolios act as the first peek into a person’s career and create an impression of whether hiring teams will consider you or not. These platforms, introduce a stress-free way of showcasing your abilities and achievements without an actual physical meeting with the interested hiring parties.

Nonetheless, for people who have no experience in creating online remote job portfolios, the process of embracing the undertaking can be overwhelming. In this regard, here are some of the FAQs that may help you to stop procrastinating and help you to reinforce your online presence through the creation of a strong remote job portfolio.

How do I get started?

Getting started is the hard part. You can’t just dive into creating an online remote job portfolio without first knowing the basics. Below we’ll run you through unique FAQs that will shed some insights on what you need to do before getting started

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So, what is entailed in a work portfolio or job portfolio?

A comprehensive job portfolio allows hiring teams to view your achievements, best professional samples, and showcase your career journey just to mention a few. These portfolios allow you to showcase your personality and let other people understand what you are capable of, your greatest skills, as well as social skills. They allow you to pitch to potential clients without appearing for meetings in person. And with physical portfolios going obsolete, remote work portfolios allow you to solidify your online presence using industry-specific portfolio sites.

What’s the difference between a job portfolio and a personal website?

A job portfolio is purely professional. It acts as a bridge that provides your accomplishments and interests to hiring teams; information that the latter group uses either to add you to their network or invite you for an interview.

On the other hand, personal websites are not only tied to professional life. On these sites, you may include personal interests and social life besides professional background. The similarities between the two are that they both help in bolstering your network and help you secure your dream remote job.

What is contained in a job portfolio?

Since job portfolios depend on your career path and are industry-specific, some minor things may vary from one person to another. However, always remember some house specifics are common.

They include but are not limited to:

  • Articles
  • Personal videos
  • Current job status
  • Sample of codes
  • Completed projects
  • Press releases
  • Market evaluations
  • Training resources
  • Pictures integrated into ad campaigns
  • Case studies
  • Graphs and surveys
  • Statistics
  • White-papers…and more

What if you’re a start-up and you don’t have the aforementioned resources?

Don’t worry. Just display mock-ups that indicate what you would do if you were presented with the opportunity. Most hiring teams love to see creativity and imagination.

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Is a job portfolio a prerequisite when seeking my dream job?

Definitely yes.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, a job portfolio gives you an edge over the competition. And just like no other two remote candidates will have like traits, no different remote job portfolios will be the same. These portfolios act like some kind of resume that allows managers to take the first peek into potential candidates’ abilities and provide useful insights on how their interests align with the organization in question.

Once the managers like what they are seeing on a portfolio, they may be prompted to add the candidate in question to their network or invite them for interviews, a scenario that would not happen if there was no job portfolio. These portfolios also provide platforms where you can better expand your resume and the scope of your diverse skills.

With that in mind, creating a remote job portfolio need not be a complicated undertaking. Put in the work and in the long run your endeavours will pay off in terms of career development.