Location : Remote US
Handle customers via inbound calls, outbound calls, or through the internet. Assist customers using a call flow guide to answer questions and solve problems. Resolve technical issues related to hardware, software, and client products. Work at Home Customer Service or Sales or Technical Support Advisor….
Universal Uniform Location : Remote GB We are looking for a Self Employed, work from home seamstress to carry out...
Apply For This JobAustralian Government Location : Richmond NSW AU The ideal Communications Technician is capable of working alone and within small teams...
Apply For This JobApryse Location : Vancouver BC CA As a Web Development Support Engineer, you will play a crucial role in assisting...
Apply For This JobNHS Blood and Transplant Location : ENG GB Extensive knowledge and experience of Microsoft Office products. Postgraduate diploma in relevant...
Apply For This JobGuitar Center Location : Livingston, LA environments that put our customers first all the while fulfilling our mission. As our...
Apply For This JobIQVIA Location : Remote US Evaluate and escalate calls to field teams for critical issues and hardware issues. In this...
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