GPAC Location : Surrey, BC environment. Position: Family Lawyer (minimum of 2+ years of experience) with some Criminal Defence Responsibilities…...
Apply For This JobPaul Hastings Location : US We encourage coaching conversations at the earliest stages of an associate’s career and provide development...
Apply For This JobGovernment of New Brunswick Location : Fredericton NB CA Justice and Public Safety – Registrar Services. In addition, this office...
Apply For This JobNHS Location : Cardiff Qualifications/Knowledge Essential Law Degree & Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (or equivalent) A qualified lawyer who…...
Apply For This JobChadwick Nott Location : Swansea Clinical Negligence Lawyer NQ + – Swansea Brand new instructions from a leading regional law...
Apply For This JobMicrosoft Location : Redmond WA US Active license to practice law in a jurisdiction and capable of meeting admission requirements...
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