Mayo Clinic
Location : Rochester MN US
This position is for a Mac Help Desk Specialist and will be a dedicated to working on the Mac Help Desk Team. Preferred technical qualifications include experience with the MacOS Operating System such as basic navigation, software updates, custom vended application support, and over-the-phone hardware troubleshooting with a wide range of supported systems….
SupportNinja Location : National Capital Region ON CA Our team loves the startup community, and genuine interest in the space...
Apply For This JobMicrosoft Location : Cheyenne WY US ASICS/Inventory Control, CompTIA (A+, Server+, Network+), Basic Structure Cabling (BSC), Data Center Foundation Certification...
Apply For This Location : AU If even a couple of the criteria on our wishlist below speak to you and you’re...
Apply For This JobCanva Location : AU You’ve got a tertiary education in linguistics, literature, or localisation. Answering linguistic questions. Check out
Apply For This JobMcGill University Location : Montréal QC CA We welcome applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities,...
Apply For This JobExcelraise, LLC Location : Raleigh NC US Communicate and work with all levels of personnel in the field; Basic knowledge...
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