CommonSpirit Health Location : Omaha, NE Association of Procedural Coders (AAPC) one of the following: Certified Professional Coder-Hospital (CPC-H) or...
Apply For This JobUnitingCare Health Location : Brisbane QLD AU At the Wesley Hospital, we offer comprehensive care across a wide range of...
Apply For This JobMercy Health Location : Melbourne VIC AU Provide a current Police Record Check and Working with Children Check (Mercy Health...
Apply For This JobCarle Health Location : Remote US Registered Health Information Admin (AHIMA) upon hire or Registered Health Information Tech (AHIMA) upon...
Apply For This JobSanford Health Location : USA Technician (RHIT), Certified Professional Coder (CPC), Certified Professional Coder-Apprentice (CPC-A), Certified Coding… Specialist (CCS), Certified...
Apply For This JobOscar Technology Location : Nottingham ENG GB It is designed to increase efficiency in the sales provisioning and delivery process...
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