NSW Government -The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network Location : Sydney NSW AU Demonstrated experience coding across a range of DRG’s...
Apply For This JobVS Media Location : Vancouver BC CA Contact information, such as your home address, telephone numbers, email addresses, and emergency...
Apply For This JobOrlando Health Location : Orlando, FL certifications: Certified Professional Coder (CPC) through the American Academy of Professional Coders Certified Coding…...
Apply For This JobBedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Location : Bedford, Bedfordshire Accredited Clinical Coder Qualification (ACC) Degree or substantial experience as a...
Apply For This JobAmiqus Location : London ENG GB The London studio is growing fast & you’ll be joining at an exciting time,...
Apply For This JobHampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Location : Basingstoke, Hampshire and motivation to join our well established and busy Clinical Coding...
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